Lavaca County Republican Party of TEXAS

updated 8 5 2020 CTD
Since the Primary Run Off has been postponed until July 14 the newly declared/elected Precinct Chairmen (County Executive Committee) term begins 20 days after the Run Off which is AUGUST 3 . The County Chairman calls the 2020-2022 Organization meeting 14 days out from Aug 3 which will be August 17 (per RPT 2018 Rules in place at this time)
Aug 17 Monday is the date of our 2020-2022 Term Organizational Meeting
at LCRP Headquarters Hallettsville at 6:30 pm.
* Voting Precinct Chairmen elected in the Primary in March -sworn into office
* New (potential) Precinct Chairmen may be elected that night- 17,19 & 29
(Pcts. 16,26 & 32 are currently open with no pct chairs or potiantial pct chairs)
* Monday Aug 3 is the first date Applications for County Judge to be nominated by the REPUBLICAN PARTY will be available.
The Process will be :
* All applicants may begin collecting support signatures before the August 3 application date
so that they may attach it to their application due by August 9 (this is not required).
(get form from Chairman/ below on this page both in the pdf and the jpegs)
* All applicants may begin collecting reference letters (not required)before the August 3 application date so that they may attach it to their application due by August 9 .
(get form from Chairman/ below on this page both in the pdf and the jpegs)
* Aug 3 Monday Applications will be available
* Aug 9 Sunday at 5pm Deadline for application returned to Chairman Cheryl Thompson-Draper- contact her to make an appointment to bring her your application (required) , resume (required), reference letters (not required ) and signatures of support form (not required )
*Interview QUESTIONS-required back to Chairman by August 3
* All Precinct Chairmen must submit their questions to Chairman by August 3
* Any citizen of Lavaca County may send Chairman questions that they would like asked of all the Applicants & must be received before August 3 to be added to the list of questions.
* Questions must be on paper and signed by the person asking the question ( legible and with name printed also (get form from Chairman/ below on this page both in the pdf and the jpegs).
* All applicants will be asked the same questions in addition to the ability to expound on each
* August 15 Saturday- Pre scheduled Interviews- EXECUTIVE SESSION-
* One applicant at a time with the Voting Precinct Chairmen/CEC (time and place TBA)
*To avoid any confusion with a potential of 19 people asking questions:
5 will be the actual Interviewers and the remaining County Executive Committee/Precinct Chairmen may attend and listen ONLY.(no PUBLIC)
* The 5 Interviewers will be Chairman and one each Pct. Chairman from each of the 4 County Commissioners Precinct areas. (will announced Precinct Chairmen/Interviewers at July 28 meeting).
* Aug 17 Monday 2020-2022 Organization Meeting and after adjournment of public the CEC, officers and vote counters will be allowed back into the meeting ONLY.
THE VOTE -County Executive Committee – EXECUTIVE SESSION to vote.
*Voting by paper ballot (not hand or stand or yea or nea)
* Votes will be tallied/counted by 3 people -who are NOT Voting Precinct Chairmen.
(Jerry Tanner (Chair of Vote Counters), Paul Yamarick and Marie Day)
*Votes will NOT be made public due to the fact the Chairman must certify this person with the SOS and RPT prior to public announcement.
* Aug 18 Tuesday- Chairman will begin the final process of certifying the chosen applicant and
turn that name into the Republican Party of Texas for their due diligence and then to Secretary of State
***(Updated - CEC voted on Aug 15 to have the Nomination vote after our Organization meeting on Aug 17 instead of returning the next day and holding it on the 18th.
*August 20-24 (exact date unknown at this time but in this time frame) Name finalized and approved by Republican Party of Texas, Secretary of State and released to the public & our Lavaca Elections Administrator to place the name on the Nov 3 ballot --before the deadline she will give the Chairman-based on her contract with the SOS and Elections Equipment Company
*November 3 TUESDAY Election DAY Lavaca will have a Special election ballot for all Lavaca County Citizens to vote on their choice for Lavaca County Judge as well as the President of the United States- Donald J Trump!
Attached as Pictures/Jpegs :
Process and dates
Form for Support Signatures
Form for Reference Letters
Form to submit Questions
List of Voting Precincts and Precinct Chairmen and appropriate County Commissioner