Lavaca County Republican Party of TEXAS

2022- 2024
Howard Barker CommitteeWoman
Cheryl Thompson-Draper

SREC SD18 Committeewoman and Senator Lois Kolkhorst

Dec 13, 2019 SREC Meeting in Austin - Election for a temporary SD 18 Committeeman until 2020 State Convention David Luther (Waller County Chair) and Donald Page (Gonzales County Chair) each ran excellent campaigns and at the SREC meeting David Luther was elected 35 to 24
(Donald says he will be running again for this office in May at the State Convention)
Congratulations, David Luther, we look forward to working with you and Edee.

SD 18 WINTER 2018
This has a been a very busy year in SD18. Due to Hurricane Harvey, we were unable to hold the last two quarterly meetings of the year in Matagorda and Calhoun counties. We have attended several EC as well as auxiliary meetings and more to attend before the end of the year.
Please make sure to add us to your county email list.
Harvey Update
Michael and I have been working closely with the RPT in relief efforts.
We are still helping provide supplies and assistance throughout SD18. Senator Lois Kolkhorst and her staff contacted us a few days after Harvey hit to let us know what her staff was already doing as well as to see what we thought was needed throughout the district. The Senator and her staff along with Gov. Abbott have been very engaged throughout the ordeal.
As of last week, a semi from Iowa delivered supplies to Rockport. I met the volunteers at the collection site to help unload the truck. To date, with the help of Vice Chairman Amy Clark and the citizens of Iowa, we have provide at least 6 semi's full of supplies throughout SD18.
We have experienced such generosity from all over the nation.
REC 3rd Quarterly Meeting
The RPT streams the SREC meetings throughout the weekend.
All committee reports as well as Powerpoint presentations are now available on the RPT website.
The 3rd quarter SREC meeting was held on Sept. 22-23rd in Austin.
The Treasurer reported that operating funds have declined since June. Major donor contributions have increased and monthly expenses have decreased. The new leadership plans on increasing fundraising and reducing expenses. The staff has been significantly increased.
All reports have been filed in a timely manner and are in good standing.
All payables are paid and the balance is zero. The budget will be approved during regular business in the 4th quarter meeting.
General Counsel reported that the RPT is currently not involved in any litigation.
SREC Volunteerism Committee
The SREC Volunteerism Committee hosted a banquet honoring 31 volunteers who have gone above and beyond in sharing their time and talents to the Republican Party in each of their Senatorial Districts.
Lt. Governor Dan Patrick, Railroad Commissioner Ryan Sitton,
Ag Commissioner Sid Miller as well as other elected officials were in attendance to honor the recipients and their families.
The Volunteer of the Year for Senate District 18 is Rick Figureroa.
He and his wife Laura were present to receive the award.
Status of redistricting
A three judge federal panel considering redistricting had its ruling appealed by the Texas Attorney General to the US Supreme Court. The supreme court will review in March. Districts will not be redrawn before the March Primary. Briefing should be in Feb. Decision should be made by or around May 13th.
National Committeeman Robin Armstrong reported that "Trump is very engaged and involved". The RNC supports Trump. The President is very pleased with the RNC. The RNC finances are in great standing.
National Committeewoman Toni Anne Deschel was selected to serve on the Presidential Nominee Process Committee. She is also working on campaign management schools across the country as the RNC strives to identify and improve the quality of candidates.
RPT Vice Chairman Amy Clark discussed the Party's efforts in regards to Hurricane Harvey. She was the person who I worked closely with while navigating supplies to SD18. She helped navigated supplies by trucks, boats, helicopters and planes. Dr. Armstrong was instrumental in getting medication to those in need. You can find more information on how to help Harvey victims at #RPTServes.
Chairman James Dickey reported that he has been traveling across Texas. The Legislative Affairs Committee was singularly focused on advancing the legislative priorities of the RPT. The Party met with legislators and their staffs. They built a team of grassroots Republicans, engaged constituents to help advance priorities. During the legislative session, five out of ten priorities passed.
The Chairman reported that there are currently 22 staff members at the RPT to help increase the effectiveness of the Party. Governor Abbott has assisted with fundraising efforts. The SREC discussed options regarding the move of the Austin headquarters to a less expensive location further from the Capitol.
The location of the headquarters will be further discussed in the upcoming months.
Resolutions which passed included:
The Resolution Calling for the Republican Caucus in the Texas House of Representatives on Selecting the Speaker Resolution to Preserve and Protect the Alamo (as amended)
Resolution regarding electronic voting for the quarterly SREC meetings. To also implement the process at the 2018 state convention pending funding.
Michael and I contacted as many county chairs as we could after Harvey.
We know many of you lost your homes and some did not. Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.
DeWitt County
We would like to welcome Paul Guidry as the new County Chairman of DeWitt County. Former DeWitt County chairman Regina Cowen stepped down in October. We would like to thank her for serving the Republican Party and wish her the best.
Last, but not least!
Michael Cloud has announced his candidacy for U.S. Congress for CD27.
We wish him the best as he prepares for the March primary.
He is still actively fulfilling his obligation as SD18 SREC Committeeman. And you can learn more about his run at CloudforCongress.com and facebook.com/cloudforcongress.
Follow us for updates on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/Texas-Senate-District-18-136266106383721/
Edee Sinclair
Edee Sinclair Rick Figareo