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Republican Party of Texas

  This page information comes directly from the Texas GOP pages:


To promote a conservative philosophy of government:

By promoting conservative principles; and

By providing the infrastructure through which those who share our conservative principles can get involved in the political process, run for and be elected to public office, and govern according to our principles when elected.





A platform is the formal declaration of the principles on which a party stands and makes it appeal to voters. Basically, it is the Party’s statement of beliefs on certain issues. As explained below, the RPT platform is passed at the state convention in June of even-numbered years.



Legislative Priorities Report

RESOLVED, that we, the Republican Party of Texas, urge the Texas Senate and House Republican Caucuses to adopt these legislative priorities as their own.

Election Integrity

Require citizenship verification of each voter, and felony penalties for Election Code violations that threaten election integrity.

Religious Freedom

Restore the rights of individuals, organizations and businesses, to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs by prohibiting local ordinances, state laws, or executive orders that violate those rights.

Children and Gender Modification

Abolish the following practices for minors: intervention to prevent natural progression of puberty; administration of opposite sex hormones; and performance of any type of gender reassignment surgery.

Abolition of Abortion

Abolish abortion by ensuring the right to life and equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization.

Constitutional Carry

Restore legal Texas firearms owners’ rights to carry them openly or concealed without a permit, while maintaining the option of a permit for reciprocity purposes.

Monument Protection

All monuments or markers in our state shall be protected by law from being removed, defaced, destroyed, or otherwise dishonored. In particular, specific protection shall be given to the Alamo Cenotaph which shall not be removed from its current location off the Alamo Battlefield footprint.

School Choice for All

Empower parents and guardians to choose from public, private, charter, or homeschool options for their children’s education using tax credits or exemptions without government restraint or intrusion.

Ban Taxpayer-Funded Lobbying

Abolish all forms of taxpayer-funded lobbying.

Conservative Principles


The Republican philosophy is a true reflection of traditional Texas values. It is these values core Republican principles that will sustain Texas into the future and continue to make our State strong, prosperous and proud.


We support:

Strong Families
Families intent on giving their children the hope of a better tomorrow, the promise of a safe and secure today, and an appreciation and respect of yesterday.


Principled, Innovative Leadership

Principled leaders with an understanding of Texas’ heritage and a clear vision for Texas’ future. Leadership that is unwavering in the face of criticism, steadfast when confronted with adversity, and committed to building a better State.


Limited Government
A government that promotes policies to unlock individual potential and unleash economic growth. Government that does not try to be all things to all people.


Honest Compassion
A society assisting those in need rather than a government trying to solve every problem by just throwing more money at it.


Opportunity For All
The opportunity to chart one’s own course, start a business, chase a dream, or build a life regardless of gender, race, or religion.


Quality Education
An educational system that prepares children for tomorrow’s workplace regardless of race, wealth or geographical location. Education is the bedrock of freedom and the gateway to opportunity.


Personal Responsibility
Individuals taking personal responsibility for their own actions and a criminal justice system based on this idea. With freedom comes responsibility.


Freedom that is God given, affirmed by our Founding Fathers, articulated in the Declaration of Independence, and protected by the Constitution.


Rugged Individualism
The entrepreneurial spirit of the individual that continues to solidify Texas as a world economic power.

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updated    LMK 7/8/24

Political advertising paid for by Lavaca County Republican Party

Donations are not tax deductible as Charitable donations. 

Not authorized by any candidate or committee.

Treasurer-Carol Rother 

Chairman- Lorena M. Kanak  361-798-0840

PO Box 656 Hallettsville Texas 77964


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